Objects and Variables


fe.ambient_sound is an instance of the fe.Sound class and can be used to control the ambient sound track.


fe.layout is an instance of the fe.LayoutGlobals class and is where global layout settings are stored.


fe.list is an instance of the fe.CurrentList class and is where current display settings are stored.


fe.overlay is an instance of the fe.Overlay class and is where overlay functionality may be accessed.


fe.obj contains the Attract-Mode draw list. It is an array of fe.Image, fe.Text and fe.ListBox instances.


fe.displays contains information on the available displays. It is an array of fe.Display instances.


fe.filters contains information on the available filters. It is an array of fe.Filter instances.


fe.monitors is an array of fe.Monitor instances, and provides the mechanism for interacting with the various monitors in a multi-monitor setup. There will always be at least one entry in this list, and the first entry will always be the "primary" monitor.


When Attract-Mode runs a layout or plug-in script, fe.script_dir is set to the layout or plug-in's directory.


When Attract-Mode runs a layout or plug-in script, fe.script_file is set to the name of the layout or plug-in script file.


When Attract-Mode runs a module, fe.module_dir is set to the name of the module's directory.


The fe.nv table can be used by layouts and plugins to store persistent values. The values in this table get saved by Attract-Mode whenever the layout changes and are saved to disk when Attract-Mode is shut down. Boolean, integer, float, string, array and table values can be stored in this table.